It seems that business on Main Street in Winnebago is anything but usual.
After being closed for several weeks, Cuquita Tex Mex has re-opened and is offering customers a full menu and a couple of nights to enjoy karaoke entertainment.
While that’s good news, a business that has been serving area residents for more than 75 years is on the market.
Local residents may have been surprised when they saw a realtor’s “for sale” poster on the outside south wall of Roerig Hardware.
Owner Steve Malchow says about a month ago he sent out letters to customers with an open account.
“I didn’t want people panicking when they saw the sign on the building,” he says. “We’re going to stay open until it sells. We are not closing.”
Malchow has owned the business for nine years, having worked there for 15 years before purchasing it from Herb Pederson.
While Malchow doesn’t know what the future holds, he and his wife, Val, do not have any plans on moving.
“We’re pretty settled here,” he says. “I don’t know what I’ll do. I never imagined doing anything else.”
On another matter, City Administrator Chris Ziegler hinted at a recent council meeting that there may be some good business news soon.
“There are a couple of economic development things going on, but I can’t talk about them much right now,” Ziegler told council members.
Ziegler says hopefully he will have an update to share with the council at the November meeting.