Administrators, teachers and support staff at Blue Earth Area School District have been gearing up for another school year.
The district also has created a new position and School Board members voted to hire someone at their July meeting.
Superintendent Mandy Fletcher says Brenda Millmann will serve as the community engagement coordinator.
“Her duties are vast, but in a nutshell, she is hoping to increase overall family engagement with the schools,” says Fletcher. “And, to increase historically disengaged families with the school.”
Millmann’s position will be year-round and she will be paid an annual salary of $70,000.
Fletcher says the district wants to create opportunities for families to interact with the school outside of the regular school day.
Millmann will be collaborating with community partners to increase diversity opportunities with the schools and families.
“She’ll work to connect families to community resources and coordinate volunteer opportunities with the schools and classrooms” says Fletcher.
The first day of school for students in grades 8-12 will be Sept. 6, while students in grades K-7 will start on Sept. 8.