More than 1,000 Faribault County residents signed petitions to express opposition to legislation allowing “sanctuary” designation for undocumented immigrants.
At the County Board meeting Tuesday, with nearly 35 supporters in attendance, Brenda Baldwin and Bonnie Anderson of the local chapter of Minnesota Patriots 4 America gave the five-member commission petitions with almost 1,100 signatures.
In addition, commissioners were asked to vote on the group’s resolution opposing passage of the North Star State Act or any future bills of similar nature.
On a 4-1 vote, the board approved the resolution urging the state Legislature and governor to support and adhere to federal immigration law.
In an e-mail to those who helped canvass for signatures, Baldwin wrote, “WE WON, WE WON, WE WON!!! ….1,087 signatures in 7 days. You guys are so awesome!!! Great job!!!”
The commissioners are against “sanctuary” designation, says the resolution, for the state, county, cities or townships.
“Faribault County Board of Commissioners hereby oppose any type of sanctuary designation for migrants and/or refugees that will cause undue stress on local resources such economy, municipalities, resources, school and taxes,” says the resolution.
“Be it further resolved that Faribault County shall not ever be a designated “sanctuary” county for migrants and/or refugees.”
Board chairman Bill Groskreutz says he voted against the resolution because he felt commissioners needed more information.
“As I said at the meeting more than once, I was in favor of tabling it to the next meeting to get input from the sheriff and county attorney,” he says.