A letter sent to the local radio station has some residents angry and is listed as a New Business item —- KBEW letter —- on the Blue Earth City Council agenda for Monday’s meeting beginning at 5 p.m.
On a Saturday 12:15 p.m. radio newscast it was reported the letter was going to be discussed.
The letter, addressed to the station’s general manager and program director, takes issue with The O’Reilly Update, a 15-minute program that airs daily beginning at noon.
“In a time of deep division among our citizens, Bill O’Reilly’s poisonous, divisive political rhetoric deepens those divisions in the United States of America,” says the letter. “We feel KBEW is not a vehicle with which to air these extreme, venomous positions.”
O’Reilly once hosted on the conservative Fox News network a top-rated show called “The O’Reilly Factor,” which he touted as being a “no-spin zone” analysis of news and current events.
At the end of the KBEW broadcast O’Reilly thanks those for listening and adds his show is, “No spin. Just facts. And, always looking out for you.”
The letter, which is not endorsed by the Faribault County DFL Party, lists the names of some local Democrats — including Councilman John Huisman.
Those who sent the letter requested it be placed in the station’s “public inspection file,” which the Federal Communications Commission requires. However, a copy of the letter was also posted by someone on social media.
According to the letter, the county’s DFL Party would be encouraged to take the following steps:
- Never purchase any more advertising on KBEW in the future;
- Encourage members of the community and area to refrain from listening to KBEW;
- Tell current and future KBEW advertisers their dollars could be better spent elsewhere;
- and, advise future candidates we support for political office not to use KBEW as a marketing vehicle.