A rural New Richland man was recently rescued from the freezing waters of Rice Lake located in Delavan Township.
Faribault County authorities received a report of a male struggling to get his duck boat across the lake around 4:34 p.m. last Sunday.
“He was out there retrieving his broken-down boat,” says Chief Deputy Scott Adams. “We were notified of the incident by an off-duty jail employee.”
According to authorities, 46-year-old Albert John Fenton was in the lake and could no longer move his boat.
When deputies arrived on the scene, according to a press release, Fenton was hanging off the side of the boat in the water.
Fenton was able to get on top of the ice and began walking towards the shore as fire department crew members went out on an inflatable raft.
“The male party fell through the ice again and was eventually loaded onto the raft and escorted to an ambulance,” authorities say.
Fenton was treated in the ambulance before being transported a short distance to Mayo Air.
Assisting the sheriff’s office were the Minnesota Lake Police Department, fire departments from Blue Earth, Minnesota Lake and Wells, Kiester Ambulance and Mayo Auto launch.
After being examined by medical personnel, he was able to leave with family members.
Fenton and rescue crew members did not sustain any injuries, according to authorities.