Blue Earth Police Department at times relies on tips from the public to help solve a crime.
Now, it’s asking residents and businesses to register their private security surveillance systems that could provide valuable video footage.
At their last meeting, City Council members gave Police Chief Tom Fletcher the go-ahead and their blessing to implement a Community Camera Registration Program.
Fletcher says when a crime occurs one of the first things officers do is try to locate cameras that may be in the area to assist them.
“The idea of this program is to simply cut down on the possible door to door time looking for cameras and hopefully create safer neighborhoods with neighbors helping neighbors,” he says.
The no-cost, voluntary program, says Fletcher, will be implemented by using social media, the city’s and police department’s web page and by word-of-mouth.
Although authorities document the location of cameras, information will be kept private under the state’s Data Privacy law unless subject to disclosure by a court order.
Also, local officers will not have direct access to a camera that has been registered.
“This is merely us asking our citizens to potentially help out the police department and their neighbors,” he says. “It allows us to have a better understanding of who may have a security system in a specific area that may be able to potentially aid us in an investigation more quickly.”
Anyone having questions may contact City Hall be calling (507) 526-7336 or the Police Department at (507) 526-5959.